Sunday, July 15, 2007

Update..week of July 17th, '07

Hello all...
I am just giving a bit of a heads up as to some changes that my blog will be going through. First, I am switching the address of this blog to its name:
"the Colorspeaker." It probably won't go into effect for several days, however, as soon as I know, I will post the new domain address and when it will be active. On another note, I am thinking of doing a small oil pastel series- my last post was the first one: "the Clown." I am going to select a few more from my collection (I do them daily in my "on the go" book of sketches/painitngs,etc) and will be adding them next week. So, look for the "Pastel Series" on "the Colorspeaker" coming to a town near you!!

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acrylic on canvas 16x20, gloss finsh